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Dr. phil. Milica Lazović  

My research focuses on interaction in foreign language learning context (classroom discourse, digital learning environments, learning coaching and advising, tandem interaction), including bilingual interaction and foreign language talk among language learners. Some of my research topics are also empathy, interaction from longitudinal perspectives, multilingual and multimodal ressources in interaction, researched-based education and science communication. My research languages are German, English and Serbo-Croatian (and other slavic languages), but also from a linguistic contrastive and intercultural perspective. 

If you are interested in my research and teaching, please feel free to get in touch with me about projects, research cooperation and publications.  


My research interests 

Supporting learning processes

Second language acquisition

Advising & monitoring of learning processes

Professionalisation of language learning coaches/advisers

Communication analysis

Interaction in learning contexts

Communication in innovation context 

Communication and media

Intercultural communication

Longitudinal perspectives on communication



Language contrasting & reflexion


Multilingualism in educational settings 

Advising in multilingual matters 

Teacher education

Communication and learning in digital environments

Language Learning in digital environmentsl


Digital classroom contexts

Connecting learning prozesses in different digital contexts

My latest research

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Adaptive transformation of  interaction in the context of language learning coaching. Analytic insights from the longitudinal perspective

11 / 2023

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Vortrag: Sprachlernberatung und -coaching für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Konzepte, Analysen und Wege zur selbstgesteuerten Professionalisierung

11 / 2023


Focusing follow-up moves

Vortrag zusammen mit Kathrin Siebold: Ausbauend-modellierendes Handeln in Folgeturns von DaF-Lehr-noviz*innen im Kontext kulturreflexiven Lernens. GAL Sektionentagung 2021

9 / 2021

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7 / 2020

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